mercredi 4 avril 2012

Ecuisine Spring Training and IDA project graduation ceremony

Last two weeks were really busy since we organised 2 training sessions for our partners from Germany and Poland.

For some it was a time to discover the project, for others a time to learn about the tools we'll be using for the project or the project structure and requirements.

We tackled all subjects from using Articulate Storyline to create content for project to the different hand gesture to say that someone is drunk in Polish and French :-)

It was a time to meet and get to know each other. It was also a time to raise questions and challenge the decisions that have been made... but always in a very constructive way.

Almost everybody gathered in Bayeux yesterday for a special graduation ceremony for all 12 german students involved in the IDA project : a one month work placement in 12 restaurants around Bayeux.

It was a great time to mention the Ecuisine Project and how useful it will be in preparing future exchanges. So we decided we would make the kakemono you can see on the right.

Also, thanks to Jakub from the Polish team, you can view some pictures from the event.

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